The Footy Socks!
Ever since I was little, I have always been playing footy. Had a stop playing a few years back as the workload had piled up. I reconnected with a few mates of mine last year, and we started playing footy again. Had to say, it is the best thing ever!
Now you get the chance to sniff me footy socks too. If you get a 7 day deal, on top of me daily workboots sweating, you're guaranteed to sniff these bad boys after me wearing them playing footy. Oh forgot to mention one thing, these socks are pure cotton, non-elastic, hugging me feet and calves so bloody tight and thick pads on the soles suck up all the sweat too.
Got 3 pairs at the moment, get your hands on them quick.
The Footy Socks
Let's give it a go!